Golf: Performance Analysis
Golf is a difficult game, and there are many different aspects to it. But it is all to easy to finish a round and sometimes all you have to evaluate your performance is your overall total score and a gut feeling of how you played.
Our Golf: Performance Analysis tool can provide you with the information you need to highlight and target the real areas that you need to improve, whether that be focussing on your short game, or considering a change of strategy on holes that you consistently score poorly on.
When you play your round, for each hole, keep a note of your score, number of putts, and whether or not you hit the fairway. When this information is entered into the tool (which literally takes only twenty seconds) a whole range of statistics will be calculated automatically for the round -
- Breakdown summary of Birdies, Pars, Bogies, Double Bogies etc
- Breakdown summary of 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s etc
- Fairways hit and Fairway hit %
- Greens in Regulation and GIR %
- Up & Down attempted, achieved and Up & Down %
- Number of putts
- These statistics are provided for the whole round, the front nine and back nine, and by Par 3, Par 4 and Par 5
- In addition, the tool will calculate your new handicap based on current CONGU rules
Furthermore, as the number of rounds builds up, the model automatically tracks and presents all of these statistics as an average and over time so that you can easily track you progress.
Please watch the instructional video at the bottom of the page for a demonstration of the features and functionality of this tool. [coming soon]
To appreciate them fully, we recommend viewing the screenshots in full screen mode.
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