Miscellaneous: Countdown Game


The classic TV game of letters and numbers brought to Excel


Features include - 


  • Letters Game
    • Uses same letter allocations as the TV show
    • Choose Vowel or Consonant for each letter as desired
    • Enter your answer and the game checks - 
      • You have used the correct letters
      • Your word is valid
    • Use our Letters Game Best Word Solver to find the best score


  • Numbers Game
    • Uses same number allocations as the TV show
    • Choose your split between large and small numbers
    • Randomly generates three digit target


  • Conundrum
    • Prepopulated with over 16,000 nine letter words
    • Reveal the conundrum and then reveal the answer


  • Pre-populated with a 100,000+ word dictionary
  • All games have an embedded Countdown clock for the authentic time pressure experience


To appreciate them fully, we recommend viewing the screenshots in full screen mode.


Macros must be enabled when prompted in order for this tool to function properly.


The compressed file can be extracted with WinZip or the like. If you don't have such a program, just download the uncompressed file.

Countdown Game
Enable Macros on opening to work
Misc - Countdown Game v0.04.xls
Microsoft Excel sheet [10.1 MB]
Countdown Game
Misc - Countdown Game v0.04.zip
Compressed archive in ZIP format [1.9 MB]

Download Letters Game Best Word Solver

Due to the size of the files, we have kept the Letter Game Best Word Solver seperate from the main game.


However, you can have them both open at the same time and working simultaneously, and it calculates the best possible score and an example within a couple of seconds.

Countdown Best Word Solver
Countdown BestWord V0.02.xlsx
Microsoft Excel sheet [12.5 MB]
Countdown Best Word Solver
Misc - Countdown Game v0.03.zip
Compressed archive in ZIP format [1.9 MB]

Download Numbers Game Solver

At the moment we are unable to provide an Excel based Numbers Game Solver.


We have found a standalone program below which does the job very well indeed.


We must stress that we did not create this program, and take no credit for it. It was written by Stewart Gordon, a computer programmer and, in fact, one time Countdown contestant. He performed admirably, winning five games, and qualifying for the end of season quarter finals.

Countdown Numbers Game Solver
Windows program file [207.5 KB]