Fantasy Premier League: Fixtures Analysis


If you want to take your Fantasy Football fairly seriously, then you want to be making regular changes to your team, and a big factor in these decisions is upcoming fixtures.


Simply put, all other things being equal, you would rather have players in your team who have a favourable run of games coming up, be that home matches and/or easier oppostion.


Unfortunately, the Fantasy Premier League site does not present this information in a very user friendly format.


This file provides a one page, at a glance overview of the full season fixtures for every team, indicating home and away, and conditionally formatted according to difficulty (which can be user defined).


Please watch the instructional video at the bottom of the page for a demonstration of the features and functionality of this tool. [coming soon]


To appreciate them fully, we recommend viewing the screenshots in full screen mode.


Fantasy Premier League: Fixtures Analysis
NB: Due to the extensive use of conditional formatting in this file, it will not operate properly on versions pre Excel 2007
FPL Fixture Analysis v0.01.xlsx
Microsoft Excel sheet [130.8 KB]

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